Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What are you thankful for?

Thursday is Thanksgiving Day!

On Thanksgiving, we think about all the the people we love and things we have in our lives, and we say "Thank you!" The adjective for this is thankful.

What are you thankful for? Please click "Comments" to answer.


  1. I am thankful for many things. For example, I am thankful for my job. I love to be a teacher at Neighborhood House. The students are really great people, and I am thankful that I can work with them every day.

    I am also thankful that I live in Minnesota. Minnesota is a great place. It is safe, it has many jobs, and it has so many cultures and types of food to enjoy.


  2. I am thing thi's tha big hollday soo I am very happy for tomorrow I like all tha people good celebarte. because I like many people to meet tham.naver for got thi's hollday every years is comes.


  3. Im thankful for many things. for example im working in my partnes are god people.
    Im thankful becouse learned many things at the school
    teachers are good persons.
    Another important thing im thantful with god
    for another day of life.
    I will be whit my family at te thanksgiving diner....Im thankful for everything..


  4. Tankes given happey day. every family they come together. they eat toorky. they make mashe potato. thursday 24,2011 tankes given day

    On Thanks giving. We Thanks about all the people we love and things we have in our lives. and we say than.

  5. I am thankfull for this day . I love this school Neighborhood House .because this school help more people languge English for changes Country, help student for bus card, food one day in mounth ,take more people turkey in friday last week , in special day
    christmas,and more thinks.
    And thank you for all teacher in this school.

  6. I am very happy because I am peace with my God.I am blessed because y am in good study in Neibords, the teacher are responsability and know your jab. I think, I better in speak and right english, I wait in improve the next year in my study. I am to be very happy in this day because in this country celebrate the day eatibg turky. This day in this country is the day Thansgiving.

  7. thuresday is thanksgivin day we think about they people love thanks giving day.we say thank you,,, for food family being together aday off so oll family is happy day

    seynab yusuf

  8. Thanksgiving in North America had originated from a mix of European and Native tradition''Typically in Europe,festivals were held befor and after harvest cycles to give thanks for a good harvest, and to rojoice thogeter after much hard work with the rest of the community.At the time, Native Americans had also celebrated the end of a harvest season. when Europeans first arrived to the Americans,they brougth with them their own harvest fastival traditionfrom Europe, celebrating their safe voyaga peace and good harvest.though the origins of the holiday in both Canada and the United State are similar, Americans do not'' typically celebrate the contvibutions made in newfoundland, while Canadians do not,celebrate the contributions made in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

  9. I am thankful for any jobs,and for your experience to learn to me.How many jobs you have now for me? My family doesn't celebrate the thank for giving because this festival isn't in my country.In the thank gives day my family going to their activity,cause she's dont know this celebration. : Pierre Francky:

  10. tomorrow they are celebrate for thank gives they are eating turkey it is big holi day bacouse they are hoppy for thank giving

  11. I am happy is day of thankful .Everybody invite
    Your family your houses and I too.Is one day very important in States Unites.More people go
    churh,others go stores and the night dinner eat turkey the family thogether.Everybody are happy.happynnes partys.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Today is Nov 23
    I'm Francky Pierre
    My family is a great family she learn to me a good formation she learn me to cook and to have a good face when I speek with any people cause my family is very nice for me. : FranckyPierre:
