Monday, June 25, 2012

Computer Class -> Laptop vs. Desktop

There are many differences between a Laptop and a Desktop computer.

Write a comment and say one thing that is different and one thing that is the same for a laptop or a desktop computer.


  1. You can bring a laptop computer anywhere, not a desktop computer.

    Both computers have a hard drive.

    Both computers need electricity.

    Both computers use windows operating system.

    Both computers can use a mouse.

    A laptop computer has a touchpad, a desktop needs a mouse.

    The power cables or charger is different for a laptop and desktop.

  2. Laptop you can bring everywhere.
    Both computer have a hard drive.
    They both need electricity.
    A laptop has a touch pad, a desktop needs a mouse.

  3. Marcial,computer class.June 26, 2012 at 6:16 PM

    A laptop you don't have to use a mouse.

    both computers have a hard drive.

    both computers have windows sistem.

    I think that laptop is more useful.

  4. laptop it is beret than comuter becouse laptob u can take were ever u went

  5. You can bring a laptop computer any where, not a desktop computer.

    both Computers have a hard driver

    both Cpmputers can use a touchpad

    the powercables or charger is different for a Laptop and desktop.
    Desktop does`t come with speakers.

  6. Both computers use windows operating system
    A laptop computer has a touchpad, a desktop need a mouse
    The power cables or charge is different for a laptop and desktop
    Both computers can use a mouse
    Both computers need erectrisity.
    Both computers has a hard drive.

  7. One thing that is different.You can bring laptop anywhere
    .Laptop keybosrds are conneted to the
    .You can put laptop on your knee,and type

    One thing that is the same:You can't trip with the desktop

    One thing is the same :

  8. Francisco Javier EnriquezJune 27, 2012 at 2:20 PM

    Laptop can bring anywhere

    desktop keyboard is not togheter.

  9. One thing that is different.You can bring laptop anywhere
    .Laptop keybosrds are conneted to the
    .You can put laptop on your knee,and type

    One thing that is the same:You can't trip with the desktop

    One thing is the same :

    One thing that is different.You can bring laptop anywhere
    .Laptop keybosrds are conneted to the
    .You can put laptop on your knee,and type

    One thing that is the same:You can't trip with the desktop

    One thing is the same :

  10. same

    laptops''use''a touhpad

  11. both computerd use windows opraaating system
    alaptop computer has a touchpad a desktop need a mouse
    thepower cables or charge is differeht for a and desktop
    both computers can use a mouse
    both computers need erectridity
    both computers has a hard drive.

  12. One thing that is different between a laptop and desktop computer is that a laptop is connected together, but the desktop has many parts.

    One thing that is the same is that both computers use USB ports.

  13. Laptops and desktops is omos the same.
    Laptop is flexible to bring everwhere but desktop stay home in just one place.
    If there is a blackout the internet isn't working it is the same for both but the loptop is working. probably not internet

  14. The computer are many systems difference. But some system the same.
    for Exameple: Laptop computer and Desktop computer. We can use the same but Laptop computer you can bring with you go any where easy. Because Laptop computer it is small and has A Batery with it not the same Desktop computer. But some Desktop computer have more hard drive space than most Laptop computer. but you can not bring go with you any where.

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